Thanks to Pam for searching the internet to find a couple of websites that identify my blue mold I wrote and pasted photos of in my previous post. It's Pulcherricium caeruleum, a blue fungus that grows underneath logs. According to this University of Wisconsin website, this fungi is one of over 100 fungi species that live on the underside of logs. Pulcherricuym means "most beautiful" and caeruleum means "blue." Actually, when I first looked at the color, I thought it reminded me of a watercolor pigment which is named "Cerrulean Blue." Another website she listed had a photo almost exactly like mine, not too surprising since the fungus was also on a poplar log.
This is why I appreciate the nature blog community so much. Nina identified an unknown shrub in an earlier post. It was Japanese barberry, an alien shrub. Earlier this year, Owlman identified a bird's nest as probably made by a chipping sparrow. That led me to my field guide to confirm it. Posting and reading posts help me to learn more about the natural world around me. Thanks to all of you.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Electric Blue Mold or Lichen?

The other day I went up in the woods looking for kindling for the woodstove and found this small poplar log (about 4 inches in diameter). When I turned it over, I was surprised to see this brightly-colored blue mold.
Here's another view of the log. Not sure if it's a lichen, algae or mold.
And another close up showing some other lichen and white mold.
Maybe there are some fungi experts out there who can help identify it. For now, I will enjoy the lovely color.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thanks to June for the Butterfly Award

Thanks to June for giving my blog the Butterfly Award above. Awardees must pass the award along to a new list. So, I created a blog roll on the sidebar that has my list of nominees. You can access their latest posts there. I have annotated the list below:
Nature Remains
Lovely photography and prose about nature.
Dawn's Bloggy Blog
A couple are motorhoming their way across America looking for a place to settle. Fascinating and makes one want to take off right now!
Nature Tales and Camera Trails
Great photos of birds and wit from this New Brunswick blogger.
Monarch's Nature Blog
The mother of all nature blogs--the one that first inspired me to do my own blog. Great photos from a field biologist from upstate New York.
Mountain Naturalist
While there are infrequent posts, it's worth the wait to read some great posts by our most renowned local naturalists in southwest Virginia.
Mary's View
I love the photos and reading about the posts from this North Carolinan blogger.
Let's Paint Nature
The Chicago Nature Lady teaches how to do watercolor painting of nature step by step.
A Passion for Nature
I have learned a great deal about natural phenonmena from this naturalist from New York. She truly has a passion for nature.
A Little Piece of Me
Lots of great photos and views from my fellow southwest Virginian nature blogger.
Open Salon Latest Post
This really isn't a blog but a collection of them. Click on "home" to get their front page which lists the editor's choices for best posts for the day.
Now, these bloggers should pass on the award by following these rules I got from June:
1. Put the logo on your blog, you can right-click and copy it from above.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate other blogs for this award (about 10).
4. Add links to those blogs (I did this thru blog roll on sidebar).
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs (have to do this yet!:)
6. Give a reason why you consider their blogs cool.
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