Sassafras leaves September 16, 2010
Leaves of the dogwood, sassafras and sourwood trees turn red and orange in mid-September. These are followed in early October by the poplars
Yellow Poplar (left) and Hickory (middle). October 11, 2010
The poplar and hickory trees are brilliant yellow for a day or two in early October. The poplars drop their leaves quickly, filling the ground with bright yellow leaves. The Hickories, on the other hand, stay on the tree and turn brown.
Sugar Maple October 17, 2010
With the leaves off the tall poplars, the sugar maple can show off its glorious orange colors.
The color seems brighter this year, maybe because we had some cold nights in early October.
Buckeye October 17, 2010
I still see buckeyes in our fields, flying a little faster when it's cooler.

Comma Anglewing September 21, 2010
The anglewings along with mourning cloaks overwinter as adults so they are often the first butterflies I see in March. The anglewing are abundant, although usually solitary, in our driveway in September and October.