Here are some other photos of late summer....
The jewelweed that grows along our driveway is yellow while those plants along the creek down the road are orange.
I was thrilled to see this zebra swallowtail, very unusual for our yard. There must be a pawpaw tree around somewhere because that is its host plant.
I found this huge chicken? mushroom at the base of a large red oak tree on August 7.
Here is another look from above. I love the orange color.
This Rattlesnake Plantain is an orchid that some folks dig up for terrariums. But, I would never do that since there aren't that many of them in the woods. It will send up a single stalk with little white flowers later this month or September.
The first half of August has been what I expected--highs in the lower 80s with cool nights (50s). That keeps our house cool all day. August can stay as long as it likes!