The snow finally melted and gave way to crocuses, glory-of-the-snow lillies, and daffodils. I set out some violas but I don't think spring really arrives until the wildflowers bloom and trees leaf out.
The woods look like spring will never arrive. The small American Beech tree retains its leaves all through winter, only dropping them when the new leaves unfurl.

Coltsfoot is always the first flower here in our mountains. Coltsfoot was brought here by early settlers and so is not native. The flowers come up long before the foliage. I usually see these yellow flowers emerge in late February. However, this year snow covered the ground until March 9 when these flowers were photographed.
I found this mushroom which was woody, not soft in texture like most mushrooms. I have no idea what kind it is.
Unlike Coltsfoot, Golden Ragwort leaves are seen most of the winter. The flowers will not appear until late April or May.
Kookie and our new dog, little Molly, find the waterfall created by the snow runoff. They love a warm spring day because they can get outside more.
Toothworts, true native wildflowers, are up with buds so the real Appalachian spring will arrive soon!