I'm back to posting again but haven't done much in the way of photography for the past 2 months. I did find these photos on my camera's memory disks.
Great Lobelia
This native wild flower is my favorite of the fall with its deep blue color. It's usually right along side...
The white flowers of snakeroot bloom in the woods.
In early October, a flock of birds stopped by the backyard---American Redstart and these others....
Cape May Warbler (UPDATED from comments)
Black-Throated Blue Warbler (UPDATED from comments)
My other very blurry photo shows a white stripe on the black wing which you can see a little of in this photo.
For the past week or two, I spotted a pair of ruby-crowned kinglets. I had never seen these birds before so it was very exciting to see them flying around the understory. I don't think I have ever seen birds move the way they do.

Finally, I have to post a photo of my dog, Kookie. She is happy I am back with my old routine. When I came home from campaigning in the afternoon, I could tell she missed her afternoon walk and worse, she smelled other dogs on me!