Friday, August 30, 2013

Cape Charles, Virginia Trip

 Early this month, we made a quick trip to Cape Charles, Virginia which is on the Eastern Shore.  The town is full of beautiful Victorian houses like this one facing the bay.  

We brought our dog, Kookie, for a change since we usually put her in the kennel on our trips.  She was a little nervous the whole time but eventually calmed down.

 Of course, there is always an osprey around.

Cape Charles is near the Eastern Shore of the Virginia National Wildlife Refuge which we visited our last evening.  It was empty of people and birds but the peace and solitude was nice.  By now, the refuge should be filling with migratory birds. 

Above is a little video of my dog on her first reaction to the bay.  She is scared of the little waves even though this is the same dog who chased a 300 pound bear down our driveway!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wildlife camera photos

 I changed the header photo to illustrate what our weather has been like this summer.  There have been few sunny days and mostly rain--tons of it.

My wildlife camera smapped photos of these deer early in June.   The doe...

and also the doe with her fawn on June 10.   I moved the camera because the last flood swamped it with water. 

I put the camera here along the upper road, hoping to catch a glimpse of the bear which our dog chased a couple of weeks ago right in this area.  Instead, I was glad to see the fawn and doe had not been eaten by the bear.   I believe it is the same one spotted in June, quite a bit larger ....

...and following the doe.

 I check my wildlife camera every week or so.  When I placed it on the waterfall, I spotted all kinds of wildlife--squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, pileated woodpeckers, blue jays, scarlet tanagers, etc.  But the most frequently photographed specimen was....

the Wood Thrush! Here is a cropped photo where the bird looked right into the camera.  I must have counted a dozen photos of the wood thrush getting a drink out of the waterfall.  I just noticed this week that the wood thrushes are quiet, perhaps they have already left our hollow to fly south for the winter.